Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Latest Post From Cobra With A Personal Evaluation (

On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, Cobra wrote:
SD L1 clearance approved

- "L1" refers to the space right above the surface of the earth. L0 would be the surface of the earth. In previous posts from Cobra, he has stated that the continued clearing of malevolent entities from our space in regards to the aforementioned levels began with L4. Soon, The Galactic Confederation will come down to L0 -- our shared surface.
- "SD" could mean "surface disclosure" or "soft disclosure".

Saturday, March 17, 2018

There is no need to be afraid; there is no need to be sad. One day, all will see again.
Follow the love; follow your heart.
May peace be with you.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Latest Post From Cobra With A Personal Evaluation (

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018, Cobra wrote:
VTX recovery in progress, hyperphase recovery in progress, peak phase 0.71

- It seems like there may have been some incursions recently upon "VTX" and the "hyperphase", so healing recovery is taking place.
- The whole planet still needs to go through much more healing in time.

The Latest Post From Cobra With A Personal Evaluation (

On Friday, March 9, 2018, Cobra wrote:
ZY vector transfer in progress, hyperphase clearance approved

- These vectors could be anything, but this may have to do with the liberation processes moving from inside the planet towards the surface of the planet or in some other type of sequence.
- The "hyperphase clearance" may signalize an acceleration and expansion of events to come.

The Latest Post From Cobra With A Personal Evaluation (

On Thursday, March 1, 2018, Cobra wrote:
Evaluate contact risk

- "Evaluate contact risk" probably has to do with the risk level if full, benevolent alien contact were to happen right now on the planet. People could freak out, so, as some have stated, The Event will happen in divinely perfect timing when the planetary vibrations have risen and unified enough.